Room Hire

We have four rooms available depending on your group size, time of day required and what activity you are planning. All rooms are well heated and have disabled access with two separate sets of disabled toilets and dedicated parking for Blue Pass holders.

There is a well equiped kitchen with instant boiling water on tap for tea and coffee making facilities and a dishwasher and fridge freezer. There is also a Hospitality Team available for providing refreshments if required and will cater for funerals and special events with some notice.

We have all sizes of tables and chairs to accommodate approximately 150 people and if you would like to have the room setup in advance for you, this can be arranged.

All hirers will be expected to tidy up after themselves. Your requirements and prices can be discussed by contacting the centre coordinator on 01952 250944 or by emailing

Please remember that if you are planning a social event, that no alcohol is allowed on the premises.

1. Hall

This well-lit, spacious room is suitable for large numbers of people or if a lot of space is required for your activity. It is well heated with newly installed radiators and a hatch through to the kitchen. There is the possibility of opening this room up into the Sanctuay, thus creating even more space and light for concerts etc. There is a built in Video Projector and screen and an excellent sound system with loop amplification available on request.

2. Community Room

This is a non carpeted room and is more suitable for activities which involve children. It is of a similar size to the Fellowship room. It does have an access hatch to the kitchen.

3. Sanctuary

This is another carpeted room and is at the front of the building with the large window looking out over town. It is often set out as an area for quiet prayer but can be rearranged to accommodate your group.

4. Fellowship Room

This is another carpeted room and is in the centre of the building with a large window overlooking the church garden. It has a projector which is ideal for use with small groups and the room can be used by a variety of ages. A loop system can be made available in this room for the hard of hearing.

Please view our Room Hire Terms and Conditions below and Picture Gallery
